January 2018 / 39 posts found
The Chief Inspector’s report on the Home Office’s approach to learning from immigration litigation h…
It is important that the Home Office, with support from the Government Legal Department (GLD), manages litigation claims made against decisions and actions by its Borders, Immigration and Citizenship System (BICS) business areas both efficiently and effectively. In addition to being an opportunity to acknowledge errors and provide appropriate remedies to claimants, there are the substantial costs of processing and defending cases, and of sums paid out to settle claims, or in compensation when cases are lost. There are also risks to the Home Office’s reputation and functioning from poorly handled claims and adverse judgements. Between 2004 and 2013, the […]
Recent Developments in “Fake Litigation”
by Paul Alan Levy In the past few days there have been a couple of significant developments in the area of ”fake litigation” directed at consumer commentary – the use of fraudulent litigation techniques to obtain judicial relief against consumer criticisms of businesses without giving fair notice to the critic, and often using methods calculated to harm the free speech rights of third parties who are not identified as defendants or given the opportunity to oppose the relief. These techniques rose to public attention when a series of cases involving the machinations of Richart Ruddie came to light during the […]
Divorce Rate Soars For Those Over 50
Due to the aging of the Baby Boomer generation, “gray divorces” are spiraling. One out of every four divorces are people over the age of 50. In 2010, there were over 643,000 divorces. By 2030, this number will rise to approximately 828,000. This startling rise in the dissolution of marriages is alarming and should be a wake-up call to our political leaders to address this problem. Why Should We as a Society Worry about the Tidal Wave of “Gray Divorces”? That’s the question Jocelyn Elise Crowley, Ph.D. explores in her new book Gray Divorce: What We Lose and Gain from […]
Three Pressing Issues for Business Owners Going Through a Divorce
Splitting up a marital estate can be a long and complicated process, particularly if one of the assets includes a privately owned business. Some common issues include: How much is the business actually worth?
Do you need to be concerned about the issue of “double dipping” when considering the valuation of a business and the money spouses owe in support obligations?
Is the spouse that owns and operates the business deceptive when it comes to reporting his income?
How much is the business actually worth? There are three methods used to value a business: the asset, the […]
The Rise of Trade Secret Litigation in the Digital Age
U.S. courts have recognized trade secret protection for more than 200 years, and companies have long relied on trade secrets to guard iconic intellectual property, such as the ingredients for Coca-Cola and the Big Mac’s special sauce. Yet it was not until 2016 that Congress authorized a federal civil cause of action for trade secret misappropriation, in the form of the Defend Trade Secrets Act (DTSA). A combination of increased technological and employee mobility, compounded by reduced patent protection, prompted the need for federal trade secrets legislation after centuries of enforcement under common law and state statutes. The availability of […]
Ant McPartlin net worth: How much will his divorce from Lisa Armstrong cost him?
Ant and Dec are without a doubt one of the most-loved TV duos in the UK. They have successfully hosted a bunch of tv shows, including Britain’s Got Talent, I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! and Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway for over 20 years. It is not surprising that the pair have gathered quite a large fortune from their many successful stints. However, now Ant and his wife of 11 years, Lisa Armstrong, are divorcing, it could be a pricey settlement.
ANT MCPARTLIN NET WORTH: The TV presenter is getting a divorce from […]
85% of parents with a family-based child maintenance arrangement say it works well
Home > News DWP release figures for child maintenance arrangements made after speaking to Child Maintenance Options The Department for Work and Pensions has released statistics for the three months up to the end of September 2017 concerning child maintenance arrangements made after speaking to Child Maintenance Options. Out of the 55,900 parents that had contact with Child Maintenance Options between May and July 2017, 75% had a child maintenance arrangement at the time of surveying. That is 41,800 child maintenance arrangements. 17% of parents who contacted Child Maintenance Options setup a family-based arrangement. 8% of parents already had a […]
Children of divorce are crying out for help
Child covers ears while parents fight iStock Nearly a quarter of a million people have watched “The Familists'” video titled “When the State Takes Dad Away.” The Familists published their video on YouTube, and then shared it on Facebook, aiming to reach an audience over the age of 21 and expecting that the video would interest divorcees, married adults, and those considering marriage. It was obvious that teenagers would not be interested in the video, which talks about the feminist organizations’ lies and their representation of men as violent murderers, as well as about the police and Welfare Ministry’s cooperation […]
Parental alienation and intractable contact disputes – when all seems lost
My feeling of frustration was triggered by the sense of injustice to both the children and their father that this case gives. That a parent who actively sought to alienate the children from their other parent achieved that aim; for contact to be severed regardless of whether or not the father himself posed any risk (the judge concluded he did not). It is clear from the judgment that the court did consider whether this was the best way to further the children’s welfare, but the outcome that saw a parent who appeared to be guilty of deliberately flouting court orders […]
T v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and A (CSM) (Child support – variation – departure dire…
Home > Judgments Decision of the Upper Tribunal Administrative Appeals Chamber dismissing a non-resident parent’s appeal against the decision to refuse his variation application of the child maintenance assessment. The decision concerns the classification of a debt under regulation 12 of the Child Support (Variation) Regulations 2000 and when such a debt could be a special expense. Mr T was the non-resident parent and the appellant. Miss A was the parent with care. The Child Support Agency had assessed Mr T’s liability for child maintenance at £83 per week. Mr T applied to vary that assessment, arguing that no account […]