July 2019 / 24 posts found
How co-parents can stay on the same financial page – CNBC
Divorce can be especially difficult for parents still raising children. Your post-separation finances don’t have to be. About 40% to 50% of married couples in the U.S. divorce, according to the American Psychological Association. While there are many changes when separating from your spouse, managing the finances for your shared children can be particularly intimidating. However, there are steps you can take to minimize the financial stress. “When you remove that from the equation, you can actually co-parent really well,” said Tracey Duff, co-founder of Co-Parenting Crew, a community for people facing divorce and shared parenting. “It creates some peace […]
Should I Use a Personal Loan to Pay for My Divorce?
When you and your spouse part ways, you need to be prepared for the price tag that goes along with the dissolution of a marriage. Wedding cake with angry married spouse figures on top of it. More Image source: Getty Images Nolo estimates the average cost of divorce at around $15,000 — and that’s just for the legal fees you must pay to formally end your union. After divorce, you may also have to give up some of your savings and property to your spouse and could end up ordered to pay alimony and child support. While divorce is expensive, the […]
Litigation. Costly liability, or Untouched asset? – Lexology
For many companies, litigation is a negative word, and for most it’s a last resort, only to be considered once all other options have been exhausted. Litigation is viewed in this way because it’s normally very expensive, and one of the reasons for this is because lawyers typically charge by the hour, regardless of the result. In addition, litigation diverts the key resources of a company (whether that’s people, time or money), away from creating profit and growth for shareholders/owners. And finally, the law is complicated, justice systems around the world vary enormously and litigation can be a long and […]