May 2019 / 28 posts found
Your Money: Family finances after a divorce –
Since divorce was legalised in 1996, the number of divorced people in that year (9,787) has grown substantially to 103,896 (2016 census), however Ireland still has the lowest rate of divorce in the EU, so the ‘floodgates’ certainly won’t be opening. This week I’m looking at the finances of divorce. What should you know before the process begins? Legal costs aside (and they are considerable), a two-year limit could mean couples would no longer need a two-stage Judicial Separation and Divorce procedure, both of which can be financially crippling. Division of assets For most people, the family home is the […]
The Decision to Divorce: A Mediator’s Role
As a family mediator specializing in divorce, I have had many clients who contact me for help with the decision to divorce or separate; either because they have had negative experiences or assumptions about couple’s counselors, or because they are uncertain about the decision yet also want to explore what divorce would look like. While some counselors and mediators may believe this decision is better left to marriage therapists, in the words of one of my clients, “If we stick together we will need a therapist – each of us has a lot of growth to do, but we just […]
Thinking About Ending Your Marriage? You Might Want To Talk To A Divorce Lawyer First
If your legal union isn’t going well — you’re fighting, you’ve grown apart, or you’re just plain unhappy — you may be considering ending your marriage. If divorce is even a remote option, you should meet with a divorce lawyer as soon as possible to make sure that you’re prepared and protected. “Ideally, when marital difficulties arise, even prior to separation, it is prudent to consult with a divorce lawyer,” Rebecca A. Provder, a partner with the New York law firm Moses & Singer, tells Refinery29. Meeting with a divorce lawyer doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to divorce — […]
Government should spend funds supporting marriage – not changing divorce laws in Ireland, says Bisho…
The Government should spend funds supporting marriage instead of changing divorce law, Ireland’s Catholic Church leaders said on Saturday.. The country must work together to promote marriage and family, leading Church member Bishop Denis Nulty said. This Friday, May 24, the country will go to the polls to vote in a divorce referendum. Currently under the Constitution, a person must be separated for four of the previous five years in order to apply for a divorce. A Yes vote on Friday would mean that the Oireachtas would be able to bring in legislation that would determine the time a couple […]
So You’re Facing Litigation: Working Effectively With Outside Counsel | New York Law Journal – Law.c…
Litigation has become a fact of life in modern day business. By its very nature, litigation brings risk and uncertainty, interferes with business operations and customer relationships, and disrupts a company’s ability to plan for the long term. However, litigation, and in particular the type of commercial disputes that commercial litigation law firms handle, does not occur in a vacuum. Rather, it typically stems from some underlying business dispute or other issue that parties often have tried to resolve without success. Whatever the background of the dispute, the decision to bring in outside counsel provides the company with a valuable […]
Love gone bad: Divorce is a tough choice to make
By Sara Aanyu A nita Kemigisa (not real names) got married to her ex-husband in 2005. All was rosy, until she gave birth to her second daughter. She says her husband started changing and he used every opportunity he got to complain about her weaknesses, something that left Kemigisa wondering what had gone wrong. “He was a divorced man before we got married. I think he never got over his first wife, since he always compared me to her, which was quite unfair,” says Kemigisa. She says she tried to work out the issues her husband complained about, but things […]
Alex Hollywood cites Paul Hollywood's adultery as grounds for £10MILLION divorce
Alex Hollywood will cite her estranged husband’s adultery when the two meet in court to do battle over their vast £10million fortune. The mum of one, who has a successful career as a chef and author away from the spotlight, has attempted mediation with Great British Bake Off star Paul Hollywood, but talks between them have crashed and burned. Now the ex-couple’s finances will be laid bare in court as they seek to split their marital assets – after Paul, 53, started up a relationship with pretty barmaid Summer Monteys-Fullam, 24, while they were still technically married. Read More Paul […]
Family income goes down after a divorce. What does this mean for kids' education?
Adobe Stock Income decline after divorce affects a child’s educational future SALT LAKE CITY — A recent study has found the negative financial repercussions of divorce substantially deter many white children from going to college. By contrast, the study did not find that divorce lowers educational attainment for nonwhite children. White families are often more economically advantaged than nonwhite families, so the resource loss for a divorcing white family is often more substantial, the study’s authors found. The study, published in Sociological Science, concludes that a decline in family income because of divorce results in “one- to two-thirds” of the […]
Child sex offender who lived in Taunton involved in divorce money fight from his prison cell
A child sex offender serving a 14-year jail term is embroiled in a divorce court fight over money with his estranged wife more than a decade after they separated. Dominic Purvis, who has been convicted of string of offences including sexually assaulting children, wants a pay-out from his ex. Detail of Purvis’s cash claim has emerged after a judge analysed preliminary issues at a family court hearing. Mr Justice Mostyn oversaw the hearing in private in London early this month. Read More Top stories in Bath and Somerset But the judge has named Purvis, and his estranged wife, in a […]