May 2021 / 18 posts found

The English Court Of Appeal Redefines Experts' Relationships With Their Client – Litigation, Me…

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In our last issue of International Quarterly, we discussed a recent TCC decision concerning the extent of an expert’s duties to their client. In January 2021, the Court of Appeal released its judgment on the appeal of that case. While the outcome of the decision was consistent with the TCC, there were several differences in reasoning that warrant discussion, including importantly a rollback on the TCC’s view that an expert owed a fiduciary duty of loyalty to its client. The case first came before the courts when the developer of a large petrochemical plant in Asia (the Developer) sought an […]

Litigation funding: a financial solution to the pandemic – Lexology

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Third-party funding is not new; however, it is about to enter a period of unprecedented global growth – notably in Spain and Latin America. The measures implemented by governments in response to COVID-19, coupled with the rapid economic downturn and ongoing uncertainty arising from the pandemic, have created the perfect storm. The outlook may seem bleak, but third-party funding offers a ray of hope for beleaguered boardrooms looking to maximize cashflow in this unpredictable period. Companies are finding themselves under increasing cash flow pressure. On the one hand, CEOs need to keep businesses running, but on the other hand they […]

A Dozen Questions To Answer Before Negotiating a Protective Order in Civil Litigation | Litigation D…

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Phillip M. Aurentz (left) and Aimee P. Fagan (right), partners with Sidley Austin (Courtesy photos) Little creates as much havoc in civil litigation as an ill-conceived or misunderstood protective order. Yet many parties rush through the process of negotiating and preparing a protective order, often delegating the task to young associates with little experience in identifying and surviving the pitfalls associated with them. There is no good substitute for experience. But careful consideration of the dozen questions posed below will help avoid some of the more common rookie mistakes. (1) How many and what confidentiality tiers are appropriate? Protective orders […]

Use Of Covert Recordings In Civil Litigation – Litigation, Mediation & Arbitration – UK – Mondaq…

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UK: Use Of Covert Recordings In Civil Litigation To print this article, all you need is to be registered or login on In these days of almost everybody having some form of recording media (such as a mobile phone) within constant reach, we regularly find that parties to litigation try to rely upon the content of discussions that have been recorded by one of the parties to a conversation without the knowledge or consent of the other. Indeed in the current coronavirus enforced lockdown parties regularly communicate by video conferences which are easily […]

Three of the Biggest Issues that Arise in Divorce Mediation

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Since we have been working together as divorce mediators for almost 14 years, my partner Brian James and I have started to see divorce mediation themes which arise and enable us to advise our clients on best practices and ways to deal with certain issues and roadblocks in the mediation process.   Here are three divorce mediation issues we see most often:   1. Clients who stand firm on an issue and refuse to budge.   In my professional opinion, the biggest obstacle to success in divorce mediation is when a client stands firm on an issue and refuses to […]

Effective Mediation Techniques For Complex Cases – Part Two – Litigation, Mediation & Arbitratio…

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Part Two of my series on Effective Mediation Techniques for Complex Cases focuses on the timeline and mechanics of such mediations and includes an analysis of in-person vs. Zoom or other virtual platforms for mediations. Timeline for Effective Mediations in Complex Cases I begin with the assumption that the parties in any complex case wish to avoid trial and resolve their disputes wherever possible. It is my experience that most parties are not in the business of litigation and find it undesirable and costly. I also observe that there are no mediation preparation rules nor is there any template for […]

Planned litigation no excuse for 'stealing' confidential information –

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Employees who leave and take confidential information with them sometimes use the excuse that they needed for the purposes of litigation – litigation they are planning to bring against you, such as a whistleblowing claim. Is that a good reason for taking your most valuable assets? Is there anything you can do to protect the business from that happening? A useful case has been handed down by the High Court on this very point – it’s called Zoll Medical UK Ltd v Trebilcock where this is precisely what happened.  We will come onto the implications shortly but first the facts […]

Litigation leads to hardening fiduciary liability market – Business Insurance

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An Alternative to Litigation – Mediation and the Impact of Non-Verbal Communication –

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An Alternative to Litigation – Mediation and the Impact of Non-Verbal Communication An Alternative to Litigation – Mediation and the Impact of Non-Verbal Communication Notably there are those who espouse the point of view that when litigants are not able to access the justice system in a timely manner, they have in effect been denied justice.  One of the cornerstones of Western democratic societies has been the public’s – the citizenry’s access to justice regardless of their socioeconomic status, their educational status or their political point of view.  From an ethical perspective, individuals being able to reasonably participate […]

A Look Ahead: Consumer Litigation in a Post-Pandemic World – Lexology

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How has COVID-19 impacted this field? How are you helping clients respond to COVID-19-related issues? As usual, the plaintiff’s bar has been opportunistic and made the most of the situation. There have been a large number of filings related to contractual cancellations and delays that resulted from COVID-19, as well as refund and rebate class actions. If I had to guess, the number of consumer class cases has increased during the pandemic. I would think we will continue to see a lot of action in this area, as the full ramifications of COVID-19-related policies are just now materializing. For example, […]