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Financial remedies in divorce: will the suggested reforms bring clarity?
The Law Commission’s scoping paper on financial remedies in divorce and civil partnership dissolution, published on 18 December 2024, marks a significant step towards modernising the current legal framework. The existing laws, rooted in the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 and mirrored in the Civil Partnership Act 2004, have long been criticised for their discretionary nature, which often leads to unpredictable outcomes. The statute, substantially unchanged for half a century, does not expressly explain what the ultimate objective is. Consequently, judges must rely on case law to fill in the gaps, despite most reported cases involving high net worth individuals; not […]
Divorce lawyer names 3 ‘safe’ jobs where men ‘never’ cheat – so is YOUR husband’s profession on the list?
A DIVORCE lawyer has revealed the exact job men go for that means they’re less likely to cheat on their spouse. Kate and Chris who form Simonds Law Group took to social media to share their findings after spending years helping couples navigate divorce. In the clip, Kate revealed that during her time settling divorces brought on by affairs, there are three professions she rarely sees in her office. She said: “If you’re in a relationship with one of these types of men, you’re safe.” “If you’ve lived through infidelity, it is so heartbreaking. And so don’t take this […]
The Best Age To Get Married If You Want To Avoid Divorce
As couples choose to embark on the journey of marriage, several factors can often contribute to the longevity of their devotion to spending the rest of their lives together. According to a divorce lawyer named Tyler Summers, the best age to get married if you want to avoid divorce is at least 30. Summers, a divorce and prenup attorney in Boston who often posts legal content on his TikTok platform, revealed there is a good age to get married and an age when you should avoid that type of long-term commitment altogether. He explained that the worst age to get […]
Why divorce parties have become so popular
Have you been to a “divorce party” yet this season? If you haven’t, not to worry, there’s still time. Divorce season lasts for the whole of January, I’m told, so there’s a couple of weeks left to celebrate. And if perhaps the details of your own nasty separation aren’t yet finalized, or if your lawyer and your ex have between them drained the champagne fund, then why not simply nip into town and crash someone else’s? You’re bound to find one. Perhaps in the future there will be un-wedding lists, allowing guests to repurchase things the ex took Divorce parties […]
Children Of Divorced Parents At A Higher Risk Of Having A Stroke? Study Offers Compelling Evidence
Watching parents get divorced can put a lot of stress and trauma on a child’s mind. According to researchers, it could be a possible explanation as to what leads to stroke later in life. Children who witness and experience divorce of their parents are approximately two-thirds more likely to have a stroke. (Photo: Freepik) Divorce and the risk of stroke: The health consequences of divorce are many, especially for children caught in the middle of a tumultuous separation of their parents. But, while the mental and emotional aspects of divorce are often highlighted, new research has found that children of […]
Are you co-parenting with an ex-partner?
Do you have a 4-8 year old? Take part in new research study of separated parents A research team at the University of Edinburgh is conducting a ‘Parenting after divorce or separation study’ to explore family life and children’s wellbeing in different post-separation parenting arrangements. Despite the growing number of parents sharing care (for example, 2-3 days a week, alternating weeks), very little UK research has been done which looks at family relationships and child wellbeing in these arrangements. This study aims to increase understanding of family life, provide co-parenting families with a chance to learn about other families in […]
Doctors told these women they were dying. The first thing they did was leave their husbands: Inside the alarming trend of ‘cancer divorces’
Cassandra Kalpaxis has witnessed heartbreak and betrayal from every angle during her 14 years as a lawyer handling divorce cases. But one peculiar type of marriage breakdown continues to shock her – even though she has seen it happen many times before, and likely many times to come. The family law expert, 37, admits she never ceases to be amazed by the wives who walk into her office asking for a divorce after finding out they are dying. ‘They come to me in the middle of their cancer treatment and tell me they want a divorce,’ she tells me. ‘They are […]
High Court: Litigation restriction order made against mother and son in medical negligence proceedin…
The High Court has made a litigation restriction order against a mother and son in circumstances where they issued eight sets of proceedings arising from alleged medical negligence in relation to his treatment following his birth. About this case: Citation:[2024] IEHC 747 Judgment: Court:High Court Judge:Ms Justice Niamh Hyland Delivering judgment for the High Court, Ms Justice Niamh Hyland stated: “Given the nature of these proceedings, and the unfortunate history of A’s birth and subsequent problems, I would like to emphasise that I have no doubt that Ms AA believes she is acting in the best interests of A, that […]
Understanding the Lauryn Goodman v Kyle Walker Case
The recent legal battle between Lauryn Goodman and footballer Kyle Walker sheds light on the intricacies of financial provision cases under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989. It also underscores the challenges of privacy in family courts, especially for public figures. At Dominic Levent Solicitors, we understand the unique complexities of these cases and are here to provide expert guidance. Lauryn Goodman’s legal claims revolved around securing financial support for her two children with Kyle Walker, despite them not being married. Walker’s substantial wealth—estimated at £26.7 million—placed this case squarely in the realm of “big money” litigation. The purpose […]