March 2022 / 57 posts found
I’m very happy with my partner, but why won’t he divorce his wife? | Relationships
I’m in a relationship with a man who is separated from his wife but not divorced. He left her five years ago and says their marriage had been over long before that, but he decided to stay until his children left home. We are both in our 50s and his children are now young adults. I was divorced in my 40s and have no children. We live separately. We’ve had a very happy relationship for several years, but there has always been the elephant in the room of his marriage and the block it presents to our planning a future […]
Do I Need A Divorce Lawyer If We Agree On Everything? • LegalScoops
If you plan for an uncontested divorce, you may have several questions about what is involved and what you need to do. One frequent question is: Do I need a divorce lawyer if we agree on everything? In this article, we will explore what an uncontested divorce is, what you need to do to prepare for one, and whether or not you need a lawyer. First, let’s define what an uncontested divorce is. Uncontested Divorce – What Is It? It is a type of divorce in which the two spouses reach a consensus on all of the terms and conditions […]
‘Absolute scandal’: HMCTS urged to cut £593 divorce fee | News
Calls are growing for HM Courts & Tribunals Service to slash the £593 divorce fee given the process will be online and quicker under reforms coming into force next month. A new digital service accommodating ‘no-fault’ provisions under the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act will be introduced on 6 April. The process is expected to be quicker – however, the £593 fee to file an application for a divorce will remain unchanged. Discussing the changes at a webinar hosted by co-parenting service Our Family Wizard, David Hodson, a member of the Law Society’s family law committee, said it was a ‘scandal’ […]
The effect of Covid-19 on divorce law: separated parents moving house
By Sarah Harvey, associate in Stewarts Leeds divorce and family team With remote or hybrid working becoming commonplace, many workers no longer need to worry about commuting regularly, if at all. Some are now reconsidering the pros and cons of where they live. The property market remains buoyant thanks partly to individuals and families relocating from cities to greener pastures, where they can afford larger properties at a more affordable price than in metropolitan centres. It is safe to assume many will look North when eyeing up a new place to live, especially if they are prioritising value-for-money housing. For […]
3 Sure-Fire Tips for New Co-Parents –
This article is provided by Tim Backes and Custody X Change. Your divorce is inevitable. You’ve tried everything to avoid it, but it’s going to happen. No matter how you look at it, even if you know it’s the best course of action, it still hurts. While it’s perfectly natural to feel that pain, if you’re a parent you’ll want to remember there are more than just yours and your ex-spouse’s feelings to consider. While you are no longer going to fulfill the role of a wife or husband in the short term, you are still a parent, and one […]
Easing Your Spouse Toward a Cooperative Divorce –
I could hear the fatigue in Lynn‘s voice as she and I talked over strategy for her divorce. This was her second marriage, so she had divorced once before and knew how messy it could become. She and her husband agreed they needed to divorce, but they disagreed on how. This was his first marriage, and divorce terrified him. With the enthusiastic support of his parents and siblings, he had lined up an aggressive gladiator divorce lawyer and paid him a retainer larger than anything they could possibly fight over. “Don’t talk to me about our divorce,” he instructed her. […]
Divorcing an Abusive Spouse Is Not a Sin
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve received lots of questions about divorce in the case of abuse. At least some of those questions most likely come from reports of a church disciplining a woman for leaving her allegedly abusive husband. In case you or someone you love is in that situation, let me start with my conclusion: You are not sinful for divorcing an abusive spouse or for remarrying after you do. The reason this is even a question for people is because they know that the Bible says God hates divorce. In Scripture, marriage is a covenant—meant to […]
Can My Spouse Sell Assets During Our Divorce?
Many divorcing spouses worry about the possibility of their spouse selling assets during a divorce and leaving little or nothing to be divided. It can be particularly problematic if a spouse was financially controlling or secretive, or handled all the finances during the marriage with the other having a limited idea of the full financial picture. One could sell assets that the other doesn’t even know exists. Or, a spouse might transfer money or property to a family member to try to prevent it from being accessed by the other spouse, anticipating that the family member will transfer it back […]
Theresia Gouw On Personal & Professional Growth Post-Divorce
doing the most A special series about ambition — how we define it, harness it, and conquer it. Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Courtesy of Acrew Capital My Biggest Setback is a micro-series that asks powerful women to look back at their career’s biggest setback and how they moved on from it to find professional and personal growth. Theresia Gouw, a founding partner of Acrew Capital, an early-stage venture-capital firm focused on software and security technology, is one of the most successful VC investors in the country. Under Gouw’s leadership, Acrew manages over $1 billion in assets. Personally, Gouw is […]
Expert advises who gets to keep the dog after couple get divorced
Legal experts are seeing an increase in the demand for ‘pet-nups’, prenuptial pet agreements, as divorce cases can cost upwards of £7,000 to decide who gets to keep the dog It can cost couples over £7,000 to come to a mutual decision ( Image: Getty Images) When a relationship breaks down, a couple have to decide who keeps the house, the car and the family pet. For some ex-lovers, their dogs are like their children and it can be difficult coming to a mutual decision. To save the stress, partners are now considering who would get custody of the pet […]