June 2024 / 19 posts found
Study: UK records second highest number of ‘climate litigation’ cases in 2023
The number of ‘climate litigation’ cases against companies is on the rise, according to a new analysis published today by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Defined by the authors of Global trends in climate change litigation: 2024 snapshot as “examples of strategic litigation which appears to seek to advance a broader climate action agenda”, these cases have historically been brought against governments. But the report highlights how legal action relating to climate change is increasingly also being targeted at corporates. While just 15 per cent […]
Am I Happier After Divorce? 9 Things I Learned
Am I happier after divorce? I’d say yes. I think most divorced people would say yes. Maybe not right after the divorce, and definitely not during divorce, but as time goes by, I think we all end up happier after divorce—whether we wanted the divorce or not. So I’m happier after divorce. Fine. But you know what else I am? I’m empowered, I have more wisdom, I have more self-confidence, and I like myself a heck of a lot more. Here are 9 things I learned as a result of getting divorced: 1. I learned I was […]
Royal Mail owner faces £900m class action claim for ‘abusing dominant position’
The owner of Royal Mail is facing a near £900m class action claim over accusations it abused its “dominant position” in the market for sending out bulk mail, including bank statements and weekly magazines. International Distributions Services (IDS) has been served with an £878m action by a newly formed company that said it represents an estimated 290,000 customers who claim they were overcharged as a result of Royal Mail’s behaviour. Bulk mail is typically sent by businesses and organisations including retailers, utility companies, charities and publishers. It includes council tax and bank statements, charity fundraising appeals, weekly magazines and energy […]
Reduce tax litigation, simplify rules, industry tells MoF – Budget 2024 News
With a focus on enhancing ease of doing business, industry bodies have recommended the finance ministry to simplify the current tax rules, implement measures to resolve pending disputes, and encourage out-of-court settlements, in the upcoming full Budget, set to be presented in July. Three industry bodies – Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), and PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) – presented their recommendations to the Department of Revenue on Tuesday. The PHDCCI recommended reduction of pre-deposit amount while filing appeal to Appellate Authority, modification in filing of appeal procedure, modification […]
Wolverhampton guilty verdicts raise issue of naming child killers
The guilty verdicts in the trial of two 12-year-olds for killing Shawn Seesahai in Wolverhampton, puts them among the UK’s youngest convicted murderers, and leaves the judge with key decisions to make. Before deciding the minimum sentence to impose on the boys, Mrs Justice Tipples will have to decide whether they should be named. The defendants are believed to be the youngest convicted murderers since Robert Thompson and Jon Venables, both 11 when they were found guilty in 1993 of killing two-year-old James Bulger. On that occasion, amid widespread revulsion at their actions, the judge took the decision to end […]
Being Friends With Your Ex: Is It Possible And How Do You Get There?
Most people I know who are first getting divorced can’t stand their ex-husbands and/or ex-wives. They either have this deep hatred for the person, or they roll their eyes at the mention of his or her name, or they just feel pity for the person. It makes sense if you think about it because at the beginning of a divorce, feelings of anger, bitterness, and resentment are so raw. But I think in time, being friends with your ex isn’t so uncommon. I can speak from personal experience. Here’s a story I never forgot. Several years ago, when I was […]
Divorce – Turning Anger and Resentment into Peace and Excitement
Amidst the fear, anger, resentment, anxiety and sadness of divorce, there’s something good. Know what that is? Excitement. The excitement lies not in the past chapters of your life that have already happened, but in the ones to come. And I think that no matter how much pain you are in during and after divorce, it’s comforting to know that you have chapters ahead of you that have the potential to be the best times of your life. But how do you get from anger, resentment and all those other emotions to excitement? People going through a divorce tend […]
Council considers new renoviction bylaw
New details about city hall’s plan to crackdown on “renovictions” have triggered a firm response from an organization representing local landlords.
A report to the Community and Protective Services Committee (CAPS) recommends requiring that landlords obtain a special license from city hall if an N13 Notice is being used to remove a tenant because their unit will be undergoing extensive renovations.
So-called ‘renovictions’ occur when an unethical landlord takes advantage of the N13 process to evict low-income tenants whose rent is well below the market rate.
The staff report reads, “Unfortunately for some tenants, following the […]