May 2023 / 18 posts found
4 Tips for Sharing Expenses with Your Co-Parent
Money is a sensitive subject for many people to talk about, and even the most peaceful co-parenting situations may find that frustrations begin to flare when the topic of sharing expenses comes up. As a divorced parent, you may have encountered lots of confusion and stress when working with your co-parent to figure out how best to handle shared expenses and reimbursements for child-related costs. Sharing expenses is part of the transition in divorce and co-parenting, and having a clear system in place for handling expenses and reimbursements will help to reduce a lot of the anxiety that comes with […]
Divorce Advice for “I Hate My Ex Husband”
From a Divorced Girl Smiling reader: I hate my ex husband. I know it is not good to hold on to anger. I have even emailed him and told him I forgive him for what he did. I have tried really hard to forgive him. But deep down I hate him and I can’t let it go completely. If I see him driving around town and he waves at me, I will wave back. But I secretly want to flip him off and ram his truck with my car. I am my ex’s second ex-wife if that says anything. When […]
When to Hire a Commercial Litigation Attorney
Did you know that 9 out of 10 businesses in the U.S. will face a lawsuit at least once? When you start a business, the last thing on your mind is spending time in court defending your business or even suing another party. Unfortunately, commercial litigation is inevitable. In the course of running a business, several legal issues will arise, and some of them will end up in a court of law. Although there are instances where you don’t need any professional legal help, there are others where hiring a commercial litigation attorney can be what makes all the difference. […]
10 Tips in Raising Healthy Children Through Divorce
After your divorce, you are no longer married to each other and you will each live your own life. However, you are still parents to your children and in their eyes you are still “mom and dad”, and you still both have the goal of raising healthy children, right? How do you want your children to view you post-divorce? As two adults who can’t stand the sight of each other (imagine how that would make your children feel and what impact it will have on their development?), or As “mom and dad”, two people who created them together, and who still love them together […]
11 Things People Say To Justify Staying In An Unhappy Marriage
Although every marriage and situation is unique, I think many people stay in their marriages because it seems like the best option. Maybe they weighed out the pluses and minuses of splitting up, and then determined that staying–even though they are staying in an unhappy marriage, is the better choice versus the alternative of divorce. I am not here to judge people. Everyone has to do what they think is best for them, and sometimes that means staying. Whatever decision someone makes, they might say things to justify the decision-whether that is staying or divorcing. Again, no judgment on my […]