May 2022 / 19 posts found
6 Signs Your Marriage Is On The Fast Track To Divorce | Leslie Petruk
Maintaining a marriage requires intentionality. Just like other relationships, if your marriage doesn’t receive the necessary time and attention, it will deteriorate. Couples tend to enter marriages with great expectations, bringing both their own histories of hurt and unmet needs. The unspoken expectation that your partner will finally love you the way you desire is often a setup for failure. Apathy and contempt are warning signs of divorce, and also red flags that your unhappy marriage needs your attention. And the number one predictor of divorce is conflict avoidance. So if you and your partner avoid conflict and lack the skills […]
Critical Tax Facts In Divorce
Taxes undoubtedly have an impact on almost every divorce settlement. getty As you go through your divorce, you will likely have to make many decisions regarding taxes. It may not even be apparent that taxes are a factor or something to be considered when you are thinking through your options. But, there are reasons there is an entire tax profession and over 60,000 pages of tax code – taxes are expensive and confusing! It is unequivocally important to understand the basics so that you can make informed decisions and optimize your settlement. Assemble a great empowerment team to help you […]
How Can Emerging Tech Companies Build a Business to Avoid Litigation? | Orrick, Herrington & Sutclif…
Disputes with vendors, business partners, customers and employees are inevitable. However, they are not top of mind when an emerging tech company has its sights set on growth. Many contentious issues can be avoided or reduced with attention to a few key areas that can ensure your next simmering disagreement doesn’t boil over: 1) Consider Your Terms of Service. 2) Carefully Draft and Review Provisions. 3) Be Thoughtful and Professional in Communications. 1) Consider Your Terms of Service. From Every Perspective. Remember that your terms of service govern both your customers and you. Know your audience and draft accordingly. When drafting for consumers, […]
Raab promises to put victims ‘firmly at heart of justice system’
T he Government has promised to put the “needs and voices” of victims “firmly at the heart of the justice system” with a series of legal reforms. Justice Secretary Dominic Raab is publishing draft legislation which could pave the way for the first victims’ law in a bid to provide better support and increase the conviction rate. In an overhaul of the current provisions, prosecutors will be told they need to meet victims in certain cases before a trial to hear their views. There will be also be a 20% increase in the victim surcharge penalty fee paid by convicted […]
8 Reasons Dating After Divorce Helps You Meet Your Soulmate | Orna And Matthew Walters
After you’ve gone through a divorce, it’s easy to envy the young people who haven’t experienced much heartbreak. Maybe you believe it would be easier to meet your soulmate with fewer heartbreaks and disappointments. The truth is, the experience you bring to dating after you’ve been through a divorce can help you meet your soulmate and achieve lasting love. Hopefully, you learned from your marriage and divorce and are ready to do things differently when it comes to love. You’re no longer naïve about life and love and you can choose more wisely and be more discerning through the dating process — even […]
The 36 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorce Settlements of All Time
The 36 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorce Settlements of All Time It’s a big deal when celebrity couples get divorced (witness: the collective pain of America when Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux announced their split). Not only are we heartbroken to see our favorite duos part ways, but things also tend to get messy when it comes to money, especially if there’s no prenuptial agreement. Thus, leading to big drama, multiple lawyers, and a cashout so big, my heart skips a little thinking about what I would do if I ever came into contact with that much money. Unlike normal couples, when two big […]
Should I stay or should I go: The eventual upside of divorce
Supplied Sarah Catherall says when her husband told her he was leaving, she felt like she’d been in a car crash. Sarah Catherall is a Wellington-based journalist and writer. OPINION: Thirteen years ago this month, my husband left me. He was the one to end the marriage but, truth was, we were making each other miserable. I became my worst self when he was in the room – I nagged, I complained, I resented many things about him. He didn’t like the person he became around me either. We hadn’t started out like that, of course. A decade before, I […]
How To Tell Your Husband You Want A Divorce When He Doesn’t | Natalie Maximets
Relationships can be complex and fragile. It doesn’t always work out that people who once loved each other stay together until death do they part like they sincerely believed they would. Sometimes, feelings pass away. Sometimes, people change. Sometimes, spouses simply can’t continue living together. How can you tell your husband that you want a divorce, when you know he doesn’t? Civil divorce starts with the right words. The first conversation may be the first step to an amicable breakup that can help you save your time, money and energy and maintain a cordial relationship with your future ex-husband. There is no […]